We always want to make our lives easier and spend as little time as possible on chores so that we have enough time for more important things. If you share these views, don’t forget to save this article for later in case you have an emergency situation.
Freeze the wax you want to remove.

The process of removing wax from furniture or fabric can damage their surfaces. Next time, put an ice cube or a plastic bag filled with ice on the wax drop for a few minutes. When the wax freezes and becomes hard, you can easily remove it in one motion.
Vinegar removes odors from microwaves.

Modern microwaves’ special odor removing functions aren’t always as effective as they should be. Besides, it doesn’t always help with dirt that’s not so easy to clean. To solve both issues in one go, place a bowl (2 cups) of water with 2 tablespoons of vinegar into the microwave and turn it on for 5 minutes. Vinegar vapors will remove odors and make the dirt softer, you’ll just have to wipe the walls with a cloth afterward.
Remove grease stains from the carpet with corn starch.

Use corn starch to remove a fresh grease stain from the carpet. Pour it on the dirty surface generously and leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes. After that, vacuum the area, and the stain will disappear without a trace.
A piece of paper on the bottoms of trash bins can absorb liquids.

It might seem like putting a piece of paper under a trash bag is unnecessary. However, you will change your mind once you see all the unpleasant slush that gathers at the bottom of the bin. To avoid it and make the bin-washing process easier, just put paper or old newspapers at the bottom.
Alka-Seltzer will help you to clean vases.

Vases of unusual shapes often demand extraordinary methods when it comes to cleaning. Pills like Alka-Seltzer can help to remove the dirt from the inside. Just put some water in the vase, add a couple of pills, and leave it to soak for a while.
A dishwashing liquid can help to remove grease from the bathtub.

If you suddenly run out of bathtub cleaning products, or they don’t work as expected, try using a dishwashing liquid. It’s no secret that such products are made to remove grease and oil stains. The pollution that can be found on the walls of bathtubs is the same. Therefore, a small amount of dishwashing liquid on the sponge and circular motions will do the trick.
A hook will help to secure a trash bag inside the bin.

A trash bag almost never stays properly put inside the bin. It often crumples and falls down, while its edges can become dirty from coming into contact with wet garbage. To prevent this from happening, just glue hooks to the outer walls of the waste basket, to which you can easily attach the bag handles.