The times are a-changing, and because of that, there are a ton of things that used to be essential in people’s homes. Now? Most people wouldn’t even recognize them or vaguely remember seeing them.
How many do you recognize?
1. Church keys
A church key was a type of bottle opener that was once common for opening cans of beer and soda. With the rise of twist-off bottle caps, this tool has become less common.
2. Joysticks

Kids are used to Playstations and Xboxes these days. They would probably laugh at you if you told them we used to use these to play video games back in the day.
3. Phonebook

My parents still have a phone book and I don’t have the heart to tell them that they really don’t need it anymore. Guys, just Google it.
4. Cassette tape

The most important thing to remember about these is how we used to rewind them with a pencil. It was also devastating when the tape broke or when it got caught on something and pulled out.
5. Palm pilot

When my brother got a palm pilot, I thought we had reached the height of technology. In some ways, I think our smartphones were based on these devices.
6. Record adapter

I have never, ever seen one of these in my life. I guess they were before my time. They were used to play different sized records on a record player. Huh. That’s pretty cool.
7. Needle Threader

You’ve probably seen these silver objects a hundred times, most likely at your grandma’s house. They are used to help thread needles! You place the loop through the eye of the needle, and it makes it easier to string the thread through. Smart, right?
8. Film canisters

Back when we had cameras that needed film, that film came in these canisters. These little tubes were fantastic storage for tons of stuff, too — I’ve still got one rolling around in my cupboard filled with toothpicks!
9. Overhead projectors and transparent sheets

In school, before HDMI cords and big screens let us look at slideshows, we had these projectors to learn on. They came with little transparent sheets that you could write on in marker, and the pressure was always wrong to get it right when it was your turn.
10. Silverlight

Nowadays, most game consoles (or any handheld screen) are backlit, so they generate their own light. We didn’t have that luxury as kids, so we had to buy little lights that plugged into our Gameboys and shined a light down on our screens.
Sources: pakstne; diply