The puzzle presents multiple rows of fruit with addition or subtraction signs between them, followed by a solution. Let’s break it down:

- The first row adds up 3 apples and equals 30.
- The second row adds up 1 apple and 2 bunches of bananas, totaling 18.
- The third row subtracts 1 bunch of bananas from 2 halves of a coconut, giving us a value of 2.
- The last row adds up half a coconut, 1 apple, and a bunch of bananas, and asks for the solution. Popular answers to this puzzle have been 14 and 16.
The first row suggests that one apple is equal to 10, since 30 divided by 3 is 10. This conclusion is generally agreed upon. However, the second row is where it gets tricky.
The question arises whether each bunch or each banana should be counted separately. In this particular solution, it doesn’t matter because each bunch in this formula has 4 bananas.
One camp believes that each banana should be counted individually, while the other camp believes that a bunch represents 4 bananas.
The same situation repeats in the next row, where the bunch also has 4 bananas. Once again, it doesn’t matter if we count the entire bunch or the individual bananas. We can assume that the bananas represent 4, or one per banana, and the coconut represents 2.
Now, things get complicated in the last formula. There is only half a coconut, and while there is a bunch of bananas, there are only 3 bananas in the bunch instead of 4.
It would seem that the coconut here has a value of one, and the bunch of bananas has a value of 3. Along with the apple, this adds up to 14.
Many agree that this is the correct answer, although some argue that the two halves of the coconut may not be equal in size, and the part in the last formula may represent three-fourths of a coconut.
Math problems can be quite frustrating, no matter your age. Sometimes it feels like no matter how many times you try, you just can’t seem to get it right. Other times, you solve a problem, but you’re not sure if your answer is correct. Don’t worry, here are a few tips that can help you solve math problems:
Make sure you understand the problem. If you’re unsure about what the problem is asking, you won’t be able to solve it.
Try working backwards. Start with an easy step and work your way back to the harder ones. It can make solving the problem easier.
Use a calculator if needed. Calculators can be helpful tools for solving math problems.
Try using a pencil and paper. Writing down what you already know can give you clues on how to solve the problem and make it easier to check if your answer is reasonable.
If all else fails, don’t hesitate to ask for help! Most teachers are happy to assist students who are having trouble with their math homework.
Showing your work on a problem and writing out your answer can be beneficial. It demonstrates that you understand the process and allows others to check if they arrived at the correct answer.
Remember, math problems can be challenging, but with some patience and practice, you’ll be able to tackle them with confidence!