The woman shared her story.

I am a middle school teacher that is teaching 8th grade this year. I have (for lack of better words) a really big chest, which is hard to conceal. I always follow dress code and have never been dress coded in the 6 years I’ve been in education. Everyone always compliments my outfits!
A parent reported the woman to admin.
My admin told me that a parent came up to the school and said that their son was talking about my boobs at home, and they were concerned that I was not following dress code for him to be able to see my chest. My admin straight-up told the parent that I always follow the dress code, and I am just naturally “blessed”. I’m just a curvy girl, and I physically cannot hide it.
The admin was very supportive.
The “naturally blessed” comment is how the administrator said it to me. She’s a woman and that’s how she talks. I’m not sure if she said it to the parent like that.
I personally didn’t mind the comment, but I understand why people wouldn’t like it. It may be a cultural difference on how we perceive this statement. She was very, very supportive of me, and I didn’t feel that she was siding with the parent in that whole interaction.
She doesn’t know who reported her.
I don’t know who the kid/parent is because they didn’t tell me who it was. I personally think that’s for the better, because I’m scared if I figured it out, I would feel weird around the kid. So, it’s just better for me to not know and push forward knowing that the admin has my back and that I’m doing everything right!
People took her side.

© Olga Zhuravleva / Unsplash
- It says a lot that this parent’s response to their 13-year-old sexualizing their teacher was to run and complain to the principal because you have a body, instead of telling the kid to focus on school and, by the way, we don’t talk about women like that. gravitydefiant / Reddit
- When I was in college, I was called in to the Ed department office. My cooperating teacher complained that I wasn’t dressed professionally. I 100% was and offered to show them my clothes. I can’t help it if my chest is big.
I was so mad. I don’t understand what this woman was thinking, nothing I wore was in any inappropriate. Like, sorry, I’m a woman. I wouldn’t worry about it too much, just keep being appropriate. theatregirl1987 / Reddit - I can’t imagine hearing something like this from my son and my first reaction being, “Oh, I better complain to the principal about this.” I can’t imagine hearing this complaint from a parent as an administrator and my reaction being anything other than telling them to leave. Poor parenting, unreal. travis_mke / Reddit
- And instead of the parent scolding their child for ogling an adult in an authority role, the parents go straight to admin. Can’t stand it when parents just take their kids word at face value. Open-Hedgehog7756 / Reddit.
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Preview photo credit Olga Zhuravleva / Unsplash, xtinalaperra / Reddit