Find the poisonous bottle in 10 seconds
Brain teaser puzzles test the reader’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills by challenging them to solve a problem. These challenges have the potential to boost intelligence and improve concentration.
A brain teaser challenge mostly involves solving a puzzle, cracking a code, finding a hidden object or mistake, or detecting the fault in the image.
Regular practice of such challenges helps enhance problem-solving skills and also provides a healthy workout for the brain.
How intelligent are you?
Let’s find out!
Genius IQ Test: Find the Poisonous Milk Bottle in 10 Seconds
In the image shared above, readers are presented with a brain teaser puzzle in which four milk bottles and a rat are shown.
The premise of this puzzle is as follows, read each part carefully:
You are trapped in a room with no food.
After 2 days, You are given 4 bottles of milk out of which one bottle is poisonous.There is a rat in the picture and to find out which bottle is poisonous you can feed milk samples to that rat.
But the challenge is that the poison takes effect exactly after 10 hours from feeding.
And you have only 24 hours in your hand within which you must consume 3 bottles of milk to satisfy your hunger or else you will die.
Now, the question to the readers is what is the best way to finish 3 milk bottles of milk within 24 hours and also to know which bottle is poisonous?
Of the four milk bottles, one is poisonous. You have to find that bottle.
This brain teaser puzzle will be the ultimate test of your attention to detail.
Your time starts now!
Look at the image and study all the points carefully.
Have you found a way to drink milk from 3 bottles and find the poisonous bottle?
Hurry up; time is running out.
Study the image attentively; you might be very close to finding the answer.
Time’s up.
Congratulations to those readers who identified the best strategy to drink 3 milk bottles within 24 hours.
Those who couldn’t can scroll below for the solution.
Genius IQ Test: Solution
The best strategy for finishing 3 bottles of milk within 24 hours and finding the poisonous bottle is as follows:
As mentioned in the picture, one of the bottles of milk is poisonous, but we don’t know which one.
And also, a rat is there which can be fed milk to test which one is poisonous. Another criteria mentioned is that the poison takes effect in 10 hours.
So, the best way to find which bottle is poisonous and also to drink 3 milk bottles in 24 hours is to feed the rat with milk from one bottle every 1 hours. In this way if the rat dies after 10 hours then the first bottle is poisonous.
If it does not die, you can drink the milk.
Similary, follow the process for the other two bottles. If the rat dies after 11 hours then the second bottle is poisonous, if it dies in 12 hours, the third bottle is poisonous.
However, if the rat doesn’t die even after 12 hours, then the fourth bottle is poisonous and you need not test further.
That was some mind twisting puzzle, right?
Before you leave check out some more cool challenges in our recommended reading section below: