As you probably know, babies can’t actually speak – but Deanne Carson believes there are ways in which a tot can communicate with you without words to say when they’re happy with being changed.
Deanne discussed the matter on ABC News back in 2018, and it’s safe to say she got the reaction you’d expect.
She suggested that parents ask ‘if it’s okay’ to change their diaper before doing so.

“Of course the baby is not going to respond ‘yes mum, that’s awesome. I’d love to have my nappy changed’,” Deanne admitted.
“But if you leave a space, and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact, then you’re letting that child know that their response matters.”
She didn’t say what parents should do should a baby’s language suggest that they didn’t want changing, however, meaning that the baby would be left lying in their own filth until they ‘consented’. Hardly an ideal scenario…
As I’m sure you can imagine, Deanne’s sentiments went down like a lead balloon with the majority of parents.

One person wrote on Twitter: „Either she has never wrestled a toddler during a change or worse, she just left hers in a sh*tty nappy until it was ready to consent.”
Another person labeled the whole thing as ‘seemingly absurd’.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” fumed a third. „A child relies their parent to take care of them and that includes personal hygiene! Especially as toddlers and babies.”
Elsewhere different social media users agreed that consent is important, but Deanne may have taken it a step too far.
“I’ve never been so confused in my life. Teaching children consent is 100% important but come on,” someone said.

A couple of years after Deanne’s viral interview, a popular childcare chain seemingly took a leaf out of her book and also encouraged parents to ask their child’s permission to change their diaper.
Staff from Only About Children centres issued advice to parents and told them to ‘ask for co-operation’ when it came to changing their kids diapers.
“Ask for your baby’s help, talk them through what you are doing and encourage the use of senses,” the advice said, as per The Herald Sun.
“When toddlers become mobile, nappy changing may look quite different. Continue to ask for co-operation but understand that your toddler may wish to now stand for their nappy change.
“Also to encourage their independence, you may ask him [or her] to take off his own nappy or wipe himself.”