I have been married to my wife for about two years now, and we had our daughter a year ago. Now, my wife was married before, she got married pretty young, but her husband died. I knew all of this and have been just fine with it. Until now.
See, she’s still pretty close to her dead husband’s parents. And they were excited about the birth of our child. FYI, they only had the one son, no other children at all.

They have been coming over to our place about once a week. It was fine at first, but it’s gotten kind of suffocating.
They have visited us more time than either her parent, or my parents. They have even stayed over our house at times. Something I wouldn’t even like if they were my own parents.

Another thing…they talk about their dead son…a lot. Which is usually fine, but they have made some comments that make me uncomfortable. They even said my daughter kind of looks like him, and his mom even said, “Oh, if she’s this cute, imagine how cute your kids would have been, if only…” when talking to my wife. She was gonna say more, but I think she realized what she was about to say, I was right there.

I want to be amicable, and I knew that there was gonna be some moments like this, but it’s starting to make me feel uncomfortable. Would I be wrong if I told my wife’s dead husband’s parents to stop coming to see our daughter?
Source: nowiveseeneverything