One such enduring enigma is the legendary “Tree of Faces” illusion, which has recently resurfaced on the internet, captivating viewers and challenging their powers of perception once again.
This remarkable image, which dates back to the 1880s, depicts a tree trunk that cunningly conceals the faces of not one, not two, but ten former world leaders. The identity of these hidden figures has been the subject of much debate, with some claiming to see the visages of iconic figures like former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, while others believe the tree is made up of past Indian political leaders.

The origins of this optical illusion are shrouded in mystery, with some suggesting it first appeared in the pages of Harper’s Illustrated magazine in the late 19th century. This would make the inclusion of world leaders who weren’t even born until a century later all the more intriguing and perplexing.