The lifehack struck many people right in their hearts after it was first published.

TikToker @alisonkoroly frequently shares life hacks on her page on the social media platform. But there was hardly ever a tip of hers that amassed as many views as the video her husband, Wes, posted, removing the family’s toilet seat for cleaning.
Instead of tackling it with a disinfectant spray or at least using antibacterial wipes like the rest of us probably do, he places it in the family’s dishwasher.
He was just trying to show everyone “the secret button” but triggered tons of reactions instead.

Initially, Wes wanted to show a video of himself using some genius secret button on the hinge of the seat to remove it from the ceramic base. The moment he did this was captioned, “I never knew this.”
Once the seat was off, he put it into his dishwasher for a thorough clean — together with some plates and cups. “You can thank me later,” the man captioned the moment on the video.
But his cleaning hack sparked super-emotional reactions from many people, who took to the comment section to express their horror.

People’s reactions to the cleaning tip haven’t stopped, and they’re quite controversial.
The 12-second clip has racked up more than 4 million views at the moment — with viewers not knowing whether to believe it’s true. Commenting on the lifehack, one user said: “You can’t eat at anyone’s house…” Another user added: “Yep, just throw the toilet seat in next to the plates.” A third user said: “I’m never buying a secondhand dishwasher.”
Alyson wants to put her viewers’ minds at ease and says: “Our goal is to create entertaining content that people would laugh at and find fun and funny, and lighthearted.”
As for the expert advice on the subject, it is quite predictable. Dr. Brian Mangum, associate professor of medicine and epidemiologist at the University of Health Sciences Antigua, strongly urges people against washing their loo seat in the dishwasher.
Preview photo credit alisonkoroly / TikTok