The morning had started like any other, with Steve leaving for work after kissing Laura goodbye. He spent the day immersed in work, thinking about their unborn child and potential baby names. But everything changed when he received urgent messages from his son, Jackson, about his mother.

Steve rushed home, imagining the worst scenarios. When he arrived, his mother met him with somber news—Laura had been cheating on him. Devastated, Steve confronted Laura and the man she was having an affair with. Their son, Jackson, witnessed the heartbreaking scene.
As the truth unfolded, Steve struggled with feelings of betrayal and uncertainty about their future. Laura expressed remorse and a desire to make amends, but Steve questioned whether their marriage could survive.

In the midst of turmoil, Steve made it clear to Jackson that he would always be there for him. They left the house for dinner, seeking solace away from the painful reality at home.
Back at home, Steve confronted Laura about the paternity of their unborn child. Laura, filled with nervousness, admitted uncertainty about the baby’s father.

Steve decided to stay until the baby was born, but he knew their future together was uncertain. Laura agreed to attend therapy to understand her actions, but Steve grappled with the reality of their situation and the impending DNA test.