But what happens when you don’t have the luxury of air conditioning? Fear not, for we are here to divulge some devilishly clever tricks that will keep you cool even in the sweltering summer months.
1. Make buckwheat pillows

Swap out your regular pillow for one filled with buckwheat hulls. Unlike traditional pillows, buckwheat pillows don’t retain heat, allowing air to flow freely and keep your head cool throughout the night.
2. Put aloe vera in your bedroom

Aloe vera isn’t just great for sunburns; it also has a cooling effect. Keep a few aloe vera plants in your bedroom to create a naturally cooler environment. Their soothing properties extend to the air, making it more bearable during hot nights.
3. Use energy-efficient light bulbs

Incandescent bulbs emit a significant amount of heat. Switch to energy-efficient LED bulbs to reduce the heat output and lower your electricity bill at the same time.
4. Sleep with a wet blanket

5. Put your socks and bed linens in the freezer

A few minutes before bed, place your socks and bed linens in the freezer. This might sound strange, but slipping into cold sheets and wearing chilled socks can be incredibly refreshing.
6. Use silk or cotton bedsheets

Opt for silk or cotton bedsheets, as they are more breathable and help to wick away sweat, keeping you cooler through the night.
7. Put a wet handkerchief on your neck

8. Hang a wet sheet over the window

Hanging a wet sheet over an open window can cool down the air that comes in. The breeze will pass through the damp fabric, bringing down the temperature of your room.
9. Breathe through your tongue

This might sound odd, but try panting lightly with your tongue out, like a dog. It helps cool the blood vessels in your tongue, which can slightly reduce your body temperature.
10. DIY an air conditioner with a fan and ice

Create your own makeshift air conditioner by placing a bowl of ice in front of a fan. As the fan blows air over the ice, it will circulate cooler air around the room.
11. Sleep on the floor

Heat rises, so sleeping closer to the ground can help you stay cooler. Set up a comfortable sleeping area on the floor for those unbearably hot nights.
12. Wear lightweight clothes

Ditch the heavy pajamas and opt for lightweight, loose-fitting clothes made from breathable fabrics like cotton or linen. The less fabric touching your skin, the cooler you’ll feel.
13. Stay in your basement if you have one