When Dani and Nathan first met in high school, they felt an instant connection, convinced they were destined for each other. After a few years, they got married and eagerly anticipated a joyful life together. However, just two years into their marriage, Nathan began to change.
Dani couldn’t pinpoint if this shift was related to the birth of their baby girl. Nathan was a wonderful father, so it didn’t seem likely that their new parenthood was the issue. Yet, he started criticizing Dani more frequently.
He expressed dissatisfaction with her appearance, urging her to take better care of herself. “You’ve really let yourself go, Dani,” he remarked. “Always wearing those frumpy clothes. Do you think you can keep the spark alive like that?”

He also accused her of not being an attentive mother, despite the fact that she worked from home and spent a lot of time with their daughter, Ellie.
“You’re always behind that computer screen,” he complained. “Do you even give Ellie enough attention? It doesn’t seem like it. She’s always alone when I come home from work.”
Dani tried her hardest to please Nathan, but no matter what she did, he was never satisfied. As their marriage continued to deteriorate, Dani realized she didn’t have the strength to fight against problems that seemed to exist only in Nathan’s mind. She decided to let go of the marriage, feeling powerless to fix what was beyond her control.
One day, Nathan announced that he had received a job offer that required them to move. With Ellie just starting first grade and Dani working from home, the idea of relocating didn’t seem too daunting. Secretly, Dani hoped that a fresh start in a new city might improve their relationship.

Ellie enrolled in a new school, but as time went on, Dani noticed that her daughter seemed increasingly upset when she came home. One day, Dani found Ellie crying in her room.
“Honey, what happened?” Dani asked, her voice full of concern.
Through her sobs, Ellie responded, “I don’t want Miss Allen to be my mother! I want you to be my mother!”
A chill ran down Dani’s spine. Miss Allen was Ellie’s teacher. “Why would she become your mother?” Dani asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
As tears streamed down her cheeks, Ellie began to share what she had overheard in the past few days. With each word she spoke, it was as if a weight was being lifted from her small shoulders, revealing the burden she had been carrying.

“Yesterday, when Dad picked me up from school, Miss Allen told me to wait by the door while she talked to Dad. I didn’t hear everything, but I did hear her say she’d be a better mom to me… Dad laughed when she said that.”
Dani felt a sharp pang of betrayal. Nathan was having an affair.
That evening, once Ellie was safely tucked in bed, Dani poured Nathan a drink and sat down across from him.
“So,” she began, “Miss Allen seems really good with Ellie.”
Nathan looked up, a hint of surprise and interest in his eyes. “Really? I knew Ellie liked her…”
Dani took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. “Enough for Miss Allen to be her new mom?” she asked, her voice steady but with an edge. “What’s going on, Nathan? And don’t you dare lie to me.”
Nathan stared at the floor, unable to meet Dani’s gaze. Finally, he confessed that he had been seeing Ellie’s teacher, starting their affair shortly after they met. But that wasn’t all. He admitted that back in their previous city, he was involved with another woman who began demanding more from him than just being his mistress. This pressure had driven him to seek a new job and relocate.
In that moment, Dani realized that her marriage was irreparably broken.
In the days that followed, Dani made the difficult decision to transfer Ellie to another school. She wanted to shield her daughter from the fallout of Nathan’s affairs and ensure that Ellie could be protected and cherished, away from the chaos of her father’s betrayals.

Dani filed for divorce and relocated to a new home, while Nathan has the flexibility to visit their daughter whenever he wishes.
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Source: fitbodymedia