By looking at the image that follows, you will use your unconscious mind when making your selection. Remember, your unconscious mind is still linked to the conscious, and your choice should reflect the real you, or in this case, your anger trigger.
Now, clear your mind and thoughts and close your eyes for a moment. When you open your eyes, scroll down a little and have a look at the image.
Are you ready? Take a look at this picture. Which animal is the first you notice?

1. If you saw a bear
If the first animal you spotted was the bear, chances are you have a wonderfully adventurous, and curious spirit by nature. You do, however, have a hot temper, but that temper is often quickly calmed. Things that trigger you are when someone is disrespectful, especially people you hold in high esteem.
2. If you saw a fish
Should you have spotted the fish before any other animal, it is likely that you do not enjoy confrontation and do your best to avoid it. This means that you do not anger quickly, but, when you do, it’s usually a trigger such as being taken advantage of or disregarded. You do not enjoy people thinking you are weak just because you are kind, either.
3. If you saw a kangaroo
The kangaroo indicates a person with a selfless nature, someone who puts others’ needs before their own. But, sometimes people think this means they can walk all over you. This is your biggest trigger.
4. If you saw a lion
If you saw an image of a lion first, your emotions run high. You are quick to anger and set off and you do not think twice about letting people know about it! Many small things trigger you and make you quite angry, however, you are usually not slow to calm down and that anger passes.
5. If you saw a dolphin
Seeing the dolphin first indicates that you are a unique and creative person by nature. You really dislike people who pretend to be something they are not. Inauthentic people are your biggest trigger. That said, it takes a lot for you to show that anger.
6. If you saw a fox
Should you have spotted the fox first, chances are you yourself are quite like the fox! A quick learner and someone who never stops moving, you really do not enjoy being around people who don’t quite get it as fast as you do. Repeating yourself is a massive trigger that makes you cross quite fast!
7. If you saw a cat
If you saw the cat first, you may be someone who seems shy and aloof. But, just because you are quiet, does not mean the former! You like to think before you speak and your biggest trigger is a loudmouth who can’t share the spotlight.
8. If you saw an eagle
You want to aim high in life, even if it means doing it alone. You don’t leave things to chance but you tend to be focused and precise in your approach. There is no time for drama or petty things in your life, and you want others to think like you. That’s why your anger trigger is drama and when someone tries to build a mountain from molehills.
9. If you saw an elephant
Even though you might look intimidating, you’re just the opposite: kind, loving, and trustworthy. You have a steady personality and are confident. What triggers your anger is mean behavior, and you don’t forgive unkind people easily.
10. If you saw a rabbit
With your creative, enthusiastic, and energizing soul, you tend to laugh and spread happiness around. That’s why you are not so into people who bring sadness or any other negativity in your life. Your anger trigger is negative people.
11. If you saw a giraffe
You are a kind person and expect the same things from others and avoid people who don’t respect your life and time. Plus, you can’t stand people who seek others’ weaknesses and use them to their own advantage, pitting their insecurities against them. That’s why manipulative people are your anger trigger.
Sources: brightside, pakstne